Tuesday, June 19, 2007
“Skipped Build: Project: ×××”的解决办法
------ Skipped Build: Project: RowList ------
========== Build: 0 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 1 skipped ==========
Change "Solution Platforms" dropdown list, located at the top of the IDE (it's ghosted out if a project isn't open), from "Itanium" to "Win32."
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: VC/MFC
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Gentoo下man c++标准库的方法
以前用ubuntu的时候装一个libstdc++-doc包就可以man std::iostream等标准库函数,用gentoo后不知道怎样装。现在发现,gentoo下大部分包的文档是用 USE=doc 标记的,于是在 /etc/portage/package.use 中添加
sys-devel/gcc doc
再重新emerge gcc
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 4:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Linux
emerge -f eva //下载eva的源码包
将 /usr/portage/distfiles/eva-0.4.1.tar.bz2 包解出来
修改 eva/src/libeva/evadefines.h 文件中的 QQ_CLIENT_VERSION 常量
改为 const int QQ_CLIENT_VERSION = 0x0E1B; 这个版本号可以想办法找到最新的(比如看看珊瑚虫的设置)
然后把修改过的源码重新打包,放回 /usr/portage/distfiles/ 目录
cd /usr/portage/local/layman/gentoo-china/net-im/eva
ebuild eva-0.4.1.ebuild digest
emerge eva
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 2:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Linux
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
cd ~/.opera/styles/user/
touch user.css
vi ~/.opera/styles/user/user.css
打开opera浏览器,然后view—->style—–>manage modes—->display,然后在my style sheet那一栏选择刚才编辑的user.css文件即可。
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 1:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Linux
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
安装方法参照gentoo wiki
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 12:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Linux
Monday, May 28, 2007
前一阵子在windows下格了一个分区,重启以后居然grub坏了,于是用ubuntu的livecd引导,打算用grub-install恢复。因为不清楚grub-install的参数,就随便试了试,没想到它的杀伤力还挺大,直接把ubuntu的\分区搞坏了。我真是痛心疾首啊,我的ubuntu好不容易才配得让我满意的。现在也没办法了,只好重装,正好我也久闻gentoo大名,最近又出了gentoo 2007.0,于是把心一横,装起gentoo来了。
不得不说gentoo真是太复杂了,光是安装就花了我两个晚上。而且我还不是stage 3安装的,是直接用livecd的installer安装的(也就是非编译安装,直接拷二进制文件)。我直到装完了以后,才认识到gentoo的正统安装方式就是stage 3,基于网络和命令行的安装。这个图形的安装程序真的是非常非常烂(我就没见过这么烂的),不过这也不能怪他,毕竟gentoo的老用户都对这种图形安装没有需求。另外这张livecd也是一张budy cd,费了好大力气才把gentoo装上,一如所料的进不了X,把驱动改成vesa后进去一看,真叫一个丑,其实这就是gnome的标准界面,这时有点怀念ubuntu了,人家确实是花了工夫取悦用户的眼球的,而以gentoo的风格,肯定是不会管这种事情的。
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Linux
Friday, May 11, 2007
学Windows API编程,照书上抄了一个例子,用VS2005,居然一编译就报错(是VS运行错误,不是我的代码编译错误)退出。
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: VC/MFC
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Source: Homework of Theoretical Computer Science
Suppose now that you're given an n*n grid graph G. Each node v is labeled by a real number x_v; you may assume that all these labels are distinct. A node v is a local minimum if the label x_v is less than the labels x_w for all nodes w that are joined to v.
You can determine the value x_v by probing the node v. Show how to find a local minimum of G using only O(n) probes to the nodes of G.
First let's think about this, we start at an arbitrary grid, if one of its adjacent grid has a smaller label, then we move to this grid, and repeat the same process. Finally we will reach a local minimum grid. We call the path we are walking through a "decreasing path". This is a simple way to find a local minimum, but the probes we need is O(n^2) instead of O(n). However, we will see this idea useful later.
Now let's consider a subgraph of the G, suppose it is an rectangular grid graph, and v is the smallest grid of the grids on the border of this rectangle. Suppose v' is the grid adjacent to v and inside the rectangle, if v' is smaller than v, then we can conclude that there exist a local minimum inside the triangle. This is because if we can alwasy a "decreasing path" starting from v', ending at at local minimum. This decreasing path will not go across the border of the rectangle, since v' is smaller than all the grids on the border. So, base on this conclusion, we can divide and conquer the problem.
We may assume that the outer of the G has a very large label. At the first step we probe all the grids of the column at the very middle of G. The column divides the graph G into two n*(n/2) rectangular subgraphs. Suppose the smallest grid of the column is v_1, then we probe the two neighbors of v_1 which are not in the same column of v_1. If the two grids are all larger than v_1, then v_1 is a local minimum. Otherwise, at least one of the two neigbhbors is smaller than v_1, so we can determine which rectangular subgraph definitely contains a local minimum, ccording the conclusion we just worked out. And at the second step, we probe all the grids of the row at the very middle of the rectangular subgraph, this row divides the subgraph into two (n/2)*(n/2) square subgraphs. Suppose the smallest grid of the row is v_2, if v_2>v_1, then the decreasing path starting at v_1 will not go across the row, so we choose the square subgraph which contains v_1. (At this situation v_1 will not locate at the common corner of the two squares, since v_1's neighbor is smaller than it and v_2 is larger than it.) If v_2<v_1, then we probe the two neighbor's of v_2 which are not at the same row of v_2, and use the same way as we due with v_1, to select one square subgraph, or assert v_2 itself is a local minimum. (At this situation v_2 will not locate at the common corner of the two squares, since v_1 is the smallest grid of the column and v_2<v_1.) Now we have shrunk the graph in to a (n/2)*(n/2) subgraph, with 3n/2+4 probes at most. We can apply the same process to the subgraph and finally we will get a local minimum. So the total number of probes will be T(n)=T(n/2)+3n/2+4=3n+4log(n)=O(n).
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 12:56 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
今年59岁的彭大泽在6年以前才刚刚有了一个幸福的家庭。妻子小朱和5岁的女儿彭思宇是他目前全部的精神寄托。“他为人忠厚、善良,而且有很好的学问,讲话幽默,所以我才选择嫁给他。”妻子小朱羞涩地说道,“对于他的"理论研究",我绝对全力支持。” 彭大泽紧紧握着妻子的手,骄傲地说:“在这个领域(指天文及物理),我是专家。” 1979年,32岁的彭大泽还是四川省图书馆的一名普通的图书管理员,因为工作的关系,经常在工作之余看一些科普知识的书。就是在那个时候,彭大泽从书上了解到300年前,世界上有一个名叫牛顿的人,因为被苹果撞到了头,而发现了“万有引力规律”,由此,彭大泽对天文及物理产生了浓厚的兴趣。没有上过正规大学的他,经常从一些科普书籍上学到他想要的知识。
“那年7月28日晚上11点半,那个时间我记得很清楚,并且终身难忘,”彭大泽说,“我天才般地发现了"万有斥力规律"。” 彭大泽介绍说,当天晚上正在播放电视剧《屈原》。从屈原被杀,他联想到了战争,从而又联想到了手榴弹。 “手榴弹为什么能炸死人呢?因为手榴弹会爆炸,爆炸那一瞬间的冲击力很强,所以可以炸死人。”彭大泽扶了一下鼻端的眼镜,双眼迸射出兴奋的光芒,说,“请问,是手榴弹的弹片向人有一个推力,还是人自己将弹片吸引过来炸死自己呢?答案很简单,绝对是手榴弹对人有一个推力,我立刻想到,其实太阳对地球的作用是一样的。”彭认为,太阳就像一个巨大的“手榴弹”,每时每刻都在不断地爆炸,并且发射能量。而我们生活的银河系中有1500亿个太阳,地球要承受来自1500亿颗太阳爆炸时所产生的斥力。“这么多太阳都在爆炸,都在产生斥力,你说,我们人类能不安稳地生活在地球上吗?”彭大泽说,“都说地球有引力,引力来源于地心。可是至今为止科学家都没有发现引力源在哪里,凭什么认为地球有引力呢?况且,地心是一个几何概念,一个小小的点,这样一个小小的点,它有何德何能可以吸引住地球上的土地、人类、水还有天上的空气和飞鸟?所以,我认为地球上根本没有引力,地球上的一切之所以可以存在的原因在于,那么多个太阳爆炸产生的斥力,将这一切压在了地球上。这是我的"万有斥力规律"的核心内容。”
“这些都是国外的专家给我寄来的。” 彭大泽自豪地说,“我当时发现了"万有斥力规律",1980年的时候给中科院的领导写信,可是他们把信还有我准备的资料都给我退回来,那个意思好像认为我是个疯子。没有办法,在那种情况下,我只好给国外的研究学会写信,希望得到他们的认可。”记者在彭的家中看到,包括美国宇航学会、美国阿拉斯加科学院在内的各国各类科学院、研究所都曾给彭大泽回过信。
彭大泽扬了扬已经发黄的信纸说:“外国人说有趣其实就是不赞同的意思,不过,他承认我的见解很有创意,这就足够了。我需要的不是认可,因为真理总是需要时间去证明, 1543年,哥白尼提出日心学说,那么多人认为他是疯子,还受到当时教会的排斥,跟他比起来,我受点冷遇又算什么?要知道,每天跟我在一起进行神交的人都不是现在这些人,都是哥白尼、伽利略、布鲁诺这些人,他们跟我才是一个档次的。” 彭大泽一直将自己自喻为"当代的哥白尼",为了坚持真理,不畏惧受到别人的冷遇。
为了将自己的“万有斥力”理论向世界上更多国家的人进行宣传,彭大泽一直致力于自学英语。记者看到,仅有高中学历的彭大泽不但可以很流利地读出那一页一页发黄的信纸上的英文来信,甚至还用英文在一本名为“University Microfilms International”的学术刊物上发表了几百字的论文。“对别人来说学英语很难,但对我来说,因为学以致用,所以非常容易。除了因为是自学,发音不是很准以外,读写听对我来说都没有问题。”彭大泽自豪地说。
“领导非要我写上,"在他的领导及关怀下",我觉得很奇怪,明明是我自己想出来的东西,为什么要写成在他的关怀下?我坚决不同意,结果,他们不仅不批准我出国,还说我"招摇撞骗,向国外要钱"。” 彭大泽十分愤懑地说,“但是,我有一种强烈的历史责任感,我完全知道我的此举是在为国家做贡献,历史将因我而改变,真理最终会得到人们的承认。但是,当时那种情况下,我无力反抗,我只好用留长头发这样的行为来进行无言的反击。不仅在我们单位,可能在整个成都市,我都是第一个留长发的男人。”
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Humor
Saturday, May 5, 2007
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: LaTeX
Friday, May 4, 2007
ubuntu 7.04
比如 sudo cd /media/hda7/Program\ Files/< tab > 无效
把 /etc/bash_completion 中 _command 函数里的
# split current command line tokens into array
COMP_WORDS=( $cline )
# split current command line tokens into array
for (( i=1 ; i<=COMP_CWORD ; i++)); do
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Linux
Thursday, May 3, 2007
My 5.1 Vacation
generally i only post tech notes in this blog, but this time i will try to write something else. it's about my life, my notion, and my emotion. seems i've never express myself like this before, and i don't know why i m doing this now. maybe i m just feeling tired and oppressed so that i want to write something down for relaxation and abreaction. since this essay may be somewhat private for me, and i dont want so many people to read it, so i decide to write it in english. i hope my poor english can effectively hinder most unwanted people from reading this essay. if you are not so interested in me, i promise you will find no fun here, and i suggest you leave before wasting you time here.
it's 5.1 festival now, the meaning of this festival is "working people's day". i don't think i'm a "working people", but this festival do bring me a 7-day-vacation. All of my roomates have gone back home or traveling, leaving me alone in the dormitory. sometimes i desire quiet and peace, but this time i feel lonely and anxious. at the very beginning, i decided to study all the 7 days so that i will have no spare time in feeling bad. but such a plan aborted, as usual. actually in the day i really went to my haunt of classroom, but i found the classroom will be closed since May 1st to May 4th. i am so disappointed so i went back to my dormitory. i thought i can also do my job well in the dormitory, but i was wrong. Even when there were nobody else in the dormitory, i still can not concentrate on my work, perhaps that's because it's too comfortable and too silent in the dormitory. All these days i had no efficiency, i just kept sleeping all day. even when i was awake in the noon, i still don't want to get up of my bed. this circumstance is just like the summer holidays and the winter holidays: in the beginning i don't want to be decadent, but at last i am.
other people may expect the 5.1 vacation, but i do not. i'm a guy that like things and environment to be invariable. i just want the tough-study-time to continue during the hole semester, so that i can keep working till the summer vacation, and then have a good rest. while now that i've got a 7-day-vacation, i cannot keep myself from playing and resting during this short vacation, but soon after this vacation i m still facing the tough school work, and even the midterm exam! i can not change my status so rapidly. so during this short vacation, i feel nervious. especially there are still so much homework waiting for me, nearly all the teachers have doubled their homework since the vacation. i have just finished the experiment of THE PRINCIPLE OF COMPILE, but there are still homework of THE THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, which is the most troublesome homework and now the quantity of which is doubled. still there are midterm big task of VC waiting for me, and the experiment report of COMPUTER NETWORKS, i don't know how i can cope with these mess. every time i try to start working but i just can't. my spirit is just not the same with which in the study day.
i am not just staying in my dormitory these days. for the purpose of relaxation, i bought myself a pair of roller-skate shoes, and that's the first time i went out of our campus this semester. i m not that like sports, you know, i just want to find myself some interest. i do feel a little bit funny in playing the roller-skate, but after that i feel more tired then funny. of coure, any pleasure would take a cost. i most appreciate the precise of this little mechanism, which is so efficient, make us moving so fast and efficiently. i always believe machines are better then human being, so our job is to make machines work for us, but not to do the work ourselves which machines can do. maybe one day machines can design machines themselves, then it's time for humans to be extinct. who knows, but i m really expecting this day.
people used to think i have some psychological problems, maybe they are right. don't be afraid, i never hurt the others (not physically, at least). i have to say i am somehow different from the ordinary people, but i don't feel wrong with this, since i don't want to be ordinary. whereas when i came to this university, i found everyone is abnormal, nearly all of them are eccentric, so i become ordinary here. i dont know whether this place is good for me, but day after day when i live with these abnormal guys, i feel harder to communicate with those guys outside the campus, i.e., those ordinary guys. here i really met some guys that i admire, they are far more excellent than me. maybe that's why i m feeling so anxcious all the time, but in the other hand, i really feel exciting to meet so many excellent guys. i am paradoxically, am i?
after i came to the university, i've learned lots of things, lots of knowledges, and myself have thought alot. sometimes i like to talk about some philosophy with my roomates. sometimes i feel lucky and proud that i m cleverer than the ordinary people and i have more knowledge. but i find that the more knowledge i gain, the more unhappy i will feel. when i was in the middle school, although the teachers didn't like me, didn't agree with me, and the hole school gave me greate preasure, but i was still optimistic. my thought was so simple then, i believed i am more excellent than the others, and i believed that i will go to the best university in china. now that my dream comes true, but i still feel unsatisfied. especially when i know more about the science, the society, and the world, i find things are not so simple as i used to think. i feel lost, i don't know what shall i do. those uneduated people can live so happily, they never think about the world, they don't know the philosophy, the don't know science, they live in ignorance, but they are happier then me. how ridiculous it is!
now i found my essay is completely out of topic. never mind, as i said, i just want to write some down, randomly. that's all today, maybe i will write another essay some day.
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Essay
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
这个包叫msttcorefonts,顾名思义,都是ms的truytype英文字体,包括times new roman,courier new等等。
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
而终端下用的等宽字体,以前我一直没找到很满意的,这回有了Courier New,真是亲切呀,这可是经典的编程字体呀。我试了一下,Courier New不如Courier 10 Pitch好看,而Bitstream Vera Sans Mono也挺好看的,这两者挺不好决择的。
这是Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
这是Courier 10 Pitch
最后还是决定用Courier 10 Pitch啦,一是因为它太经典啦,二是因为它看起来一点也不发虚(虽然它也是AA字体),可能是因为字体比较粗的缘故吧。而Sans Mono放桌面上看还不错,但是在终端这种高尚的地方(在终端下coding更是一件神圣的事),不免显得太俗气,难登大雅之堂。
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 12:21 AM 1 comments
Labels: Linux
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
1. 无法suspend的解决办法
当然,在这之前最好检查一下acpi是否正确配置。确保 /etc/default/acpi-support 中有下面几条
2. 无法resume的解决办法
- In /etc/acpi/sleep.sh, as second line, add the line sudo chvt 1. This forces a switch to the text console before standby.
- Likewise, in add to the very end of the file /etc/acpi/resume.sh the line sudo chvt 7.
- Finally, the perhaps most important change goes into /etc/default/acpi-support. Change the line POST_VIDEO=true to read POST_VIDEO=. This was the point when it started working on my system.
经我尝试,第3条才是关键,前两条都在我这没必要做。 我把 /etc/default/acpi-support 的 POST_VIDEO=true 的true去掉就可以正常resume了。
供给停止,CPU Halts,由CPU停止而引起的相关组件一起停止运作,相当于WINDOWS的Standby[待机]
S3:Suspend to RAM
挂起到内存,相当于WINDOWS的Sleep[睡眠],注S3当前不支持 Kernel 2.4.x。
S4:Suspend to Disk
挂起到硬盘,相当于WINDOWS的Hibernate[休眠],注S3当前不支持 Kernel 2.4.x。
S5:Soft Off
关闭系统,相当于WINDOWS的Shut Down[关机]
关于SlEEP状态 的更多祥情请参况:http://acpi.sourceforge.net/documentation/sleep.html
方法1:cat /proc/acpi/sleep(kernel 2.4系列适用)
在我的laptop返回如下结果 :S0 S3 S4 S5
方法2:cat /sys/power/state(kernel 2.4系列适用)
在我的laptop返回如下结果:mem disk
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Linux
Monday, April 30, 2007
sudo apt-get install laptop-mode-tools
cat /proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode
sudo vi /etc/default/acpi-support
sudo laptop_mode start
sudo laptop_mode stop
sudo laptop_mode restart
sudo vi /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 11:46 PM 11 comments
Labels: Linux
Sunday, April 29, 2007
eva kdelibs-data kdelibs4c2a libavahi-qt3-1 liblua50 liblualib50
libopenexr2c2a libpcre3
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 3:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Linux
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 1:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blog
pty "pptp lns_bj.vip.edu.cn --nolaunchpppd"
remotename ztc
file /etc/ppp/options.pptp
ipparam ztc
第一行是说把与直通车之间的pptp连接作为pppd的子进程(或者伪终端),这样,当pppd在后台运行时,应用程序产生的IP数据包先被pppd用ppp协议封装,注意这里ip源地址是local peer地址(58.207.XXX.XXX),然后该包被子进程pptp用pptp协议封装成TCP数据包后用eth0发送出去,这里外层包的源地址即eth0的ip地址(59.66.132.XXX),目的地址为直通车pptp服务器的地址(lns_bj.vip.edu.cn),包到达服务器后,服务器用他的pppt进程抽取出内层IP数据包,然后根据目的地址进行转发.逆向过程与此类似.
接下来修改 /etc/ppp/options.pptp,将mppe required,stateless注释掉就可以了,直通车不
# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
# client server secret IP addresses
>sudo pon ztc debug dump logfd 2 nodetach
ztc参数指定了配置脚本,debug用于观察协商过程,logfd 2使debug信息输出到控制台,nodetach让pppd像tunet那样在前台运行. dump输出你在ztc和options.pptp中的具体配置内容,回车后应会有如下输出:
pppd options in effect:
debug # (from command line)
nodetach # (from command line)
logfd 2 # (from command line)
dump # (from command line)
noauth # (from /etc/ppp/options.pptp)
name *** # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ztc)
remotename ztc # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ztc)
# (from /etc/ppp/options.pptp)
# (from /etc/ppp/options.pptp)
pty pptp lns_bj.vip.edu.cn --nolaunchpppd # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ztc)
crtscts # (from /etc/ppp/options)
# (from /etc/ppp/options)
asyncmap 0 # (from /etc/ppp/options)
lcp-echo-failure 4 # (from /etc/ppp/options)
lcp-echo-interval 30 # (from /etc/ppp/options)
hide-password # (from /etc/ppp/options)
ipparam ztc# (from /etc/ppp/peers/ztc)
proxyarp # (from /etc/ppp/options)
nobsdcomp # (from /etc/ppp/options.pptp)
nodeflate # (from /etc/ppp/options.pptp)
noipx # (from /etc/ppp/options)
using channel 9
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/4
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1
rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1
sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1
rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1
sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x6400380b]
rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0xf5
sent [CHAP Response id=0xf5 <4223f091a3casdewrg810abd1e3b3b5e3f94b7cc1a0e538f357ee1fa45b866a630a04e87>,name = ***]
rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x7fa9ac2c]
rcvd [CHAP Success id=0xf5 "S=0E7BFEBE3C66665792219C0ABF01469E16B808F3"]
CHAP authentication succeeded
sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1
rcvd [CCP ConfReq id=0x1
sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1]
sent [CCP ConfRej id=0x1
rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1
sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1
rcvd [IPCP ConfRej id=0x1
sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2
rcvd [CCP ConfAck id=0x1]
rcvd [CCP ConfReq id=0x2]
sent [CCP ConfAck id=0x2]
rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x2
sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x3
rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x3
Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP
local IP address
remote IP address
Script /etc/ppp/ip-up started (pid 3116)
Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid 3116), status = 0x0
local IP和remote IP在每次连接时可能会不一样.
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0A:E4:C0:C4:F4
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::20a:e4ff:fec0:c4f4/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:50735 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:5897 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:5212480 (4.9 MiB) TX bytes:694373 (678.0 KiB)
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:187 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:187 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:18740 (18.3 KiB) TX bytes:18740 (18.3 KiB)
ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
RX packets:20 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
RX bytes:1178 (1.1 KiB) TX bytes:66 (66.0 b)
>route -e
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface * UH 0 0 0 ppp0 * U 0 0 0 eth0
default * U 0 0 0 eth0
>sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0
>sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0
>sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0
>sudo route add default dev ppp0
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * UH 0 0 0 ppp0 * U 0 0 0 eth0 * U 0 0 0 eth0 * U 0 0 0 eth0
default * U 0 0 0 eth0
default * U 0 0 0 ppp0
#add for ztc
route add -net netmask dev eth0
route add -net netmask dev eth0
route add -net netmask dev eth0
route add default dev ${PPP_IFACE}
/etc/ppp/ip-down 末尾的几句:
#add for ztc
route del default ${PPP_IFACE}
route del -net netmask eth0
route del -net netmask eth0
route del -net netmask eth0
最后可以写将sudo pon vip debug dump logfd 2 nodetach写成shell script,就可以像tunet那样用了.如, ztc.sh里写一行
sudo pon vip debug dump logfd 2 nodetach
>sudo chmod a+x ztc.sh
>sudo chown root:root ztc.sh
>sudo chmod +s ztc.sh
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Linux
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Source: An exercise class of Theoretical Computer Science
Suppose there are some guys, some of which are good and the others are bad. Good guys always tell the truth, whereas bad guys can tell truth or lie, depends on their wish. We know the good guys are more than the bad guys. Each time we can ask a guy that whether another guy is a good guy.
The question is how to determine the good guys in minimum queries.
Solution: (in Chinese for clarity)
1. 如果留下的对数为奇数,则好人对必比坏人对多。把落单的一个人去掉,再从这奇数对中每对取出一个人组成新的集合。这个集合里的好人比坏人多,于是形成了一个子问题。
2. 如果留下的对数为偶数,则如果好人对和坏人队一样多,那么落单的一定是好人。如果好人对比坏人对多,那么无法确定落单的是好人还是坏人。从这偶数对中每对取出一人,再加上落单的那个人,组成新的集合,则集合里好人比坏人多(想想为什么)。于是也形成了一个子问题。
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 3:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: Puzzles
Source: An exercise class of Theoretical Computer Science
There are n people in a room, everyone wears a hat, the color of which could be red, green, or blue, randomly. Each guy can see all the hats except his own. Now there is a spectator coming into the room and asking each of the n guys in private, "which color of hats do you think is on your head?"
Once the n guys are in the hats, their only information is the colors of other guys' hats, and they can do nothing but answer the spectator's question, and of course their answer will not be heard by the other guys. However, before the experiment starts, the n guys can figure out a strategy. What they care is the probability that all of the n guys answer the spectator correctly.
Now your question comes, what strategy should those guys take to make the probability maximal?
We label each color with a number of 0,1,or 2, say, red is 0, green is 1, blue is 2. Each guy summarizes the numbers corresponding to the colors he can see, Let S be the sum. This guy will choose number x to be his answer, where x must satisfy that S+x=0 (mod 3).
Obviously, if all of the n guys are using this strategy, then the probability that they all give correct answer is 1/3, because if one of those guys is right, then all of the n guys are right.
Actually there is another version of this problem. This version says the n guys stands in a queue and each guy can only see his preceding guys. The spectator ask the guys from the back of the queue to the front, and each guys answer can be heard by his successor. The question of the problem is the same with the original one.
We can use an similar (almost the same) strategy to solve this version of problem. If you are interested in it, think about it.
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 2:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Puzzles
Thursday, April 26, 2007
BlogSpot 和 Opera 的兼容性问题
根据我的亲身体验,BlogSpot与Opera兼容得不好,一个已知问题(也是最大的问题)是,用Opera无法发表新文章,表现为输入框无法输入。(类似于Opera在动网BBS下的表现。) 这给我带来了很大的不便,目前只好用IE(在windows下)或FireFox(在Linux下)发文,甚是不爽。
We’re still working on the compatibility issues in browsers such as Safari, Opera, etc. At this time, you’ll get best results with Firefox or Internet Explorer 6. — latest update on Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Labels: opera, outstanding, safari
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blog
WangLu's Tech Blog: Latex-suite技巧总结
注: 我的latex-suite是放在~/.vim里了
1.修改~/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc,将TexLet g:Tex_defaultTargetFormat='dvi'中的dvi改成pdf -- 我是一般喜欢用pdflatex直接生成dfp的,因为它对图片支持比较好.
agree with this. pdflatex 才是王道。不过我的路径是 /usr/share/vim/addons/ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc
如果需要用evince看pdf的话,把TexLet g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'xpdf' 中的xpdf改成evince
确实是很好用的功能。但是我发现先按F5再输入关键字会有bug,比如按F5后输入"enumerate",会在 \end{enumerate} 之后多了一个双引号和一个"item"。 更实用的做法是先在vi中打一个"enumerate",再按F5,则会正确插入enumerate环境,而且在\begin{}和\end{}之间还自动插入了一个 \item,光标停留在其后,非常人性化。
7.使用它的自动完成经常可以看到形如<++>的符号,这个是定位符,通常放在下一个你会打字的地方,比如\frac{}{<++>}<++>,按C-J可以自动定位并消除这个符号.如果只是一个},那么它的好处并不明显,但是如果是\right}就会发现它的好处了.(一开始我还以为这个符号是latex-suite的bug... -_-b)
最好用的功能之一。遗憾的是输入公式环境 \[ \] 不会有这个功能。($$ $$ 更不能用,打到第2个$的时候就被直接识别成$$而插入<++>了。)
8.make命令可以直接编译(第一步改的就是这个命令),不过要打make <文件名>,要是能自动编译当前文件就好了,我现在还不太会弄.
10. '\ll' 编译,'\lv' 是预览。(在vim普通模式下输入,不含单引号)
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 3:36 PM 0 comments
abbreviation 简写符号;简写
abscissa 横坐标
absolute complement 绝对补集
absolute error 绝对误差
absolute inequality 绝不等式
absolute maximum 绝对极大值
absolute minimum 绝对极小值
absolute monotonic 绝对单调
absolute value 绝对值
accelerate 加速
acceleration 加速度
acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度; 地心加速度
accumulation 累积
accumulative 累积的
accuracy 准确度
act on 施于
action 作用; 作用力
acute angle 锐角
acute-angled triangle 锐角三角形
add 加
addition 加法
addition formula 加法公式
addition law 加法定律
addition law(of probability) (概率)加法定律
additive inverse 加法逆元; 加法反元
additive property 可加性
adjacent angle 邻角
adjacent side 邻边
adjoint matrix 伴随矩阵
algebra 代数
algebraic 代数的
algebraic equation 代数方程
algebraic expression 代数式
algebraic fraction 代数分式;代数分数式
algebraic inequality 代数不等式
algebraic number 代数数
algebraic operation 代数运算
algebraically closed 代数封闭
algorithm 算法系统; 规则系统
alternate angle (交)错角
alternate segment 内错弓形
alternating series 交错级数
alternative hypothesis 择一假设; 备择假设; 另一假设
altitude 高;高度;顶垂线;高线
ambiguous case 两义情况;二义情况
amount 本利和;总数
analysis 分析;解析
analytic geometry 解析几何
angle 角
angle at the centre 圆心角
angle at the circumference 圆周角
angle between a line and a plane 直与平面的交角
angle between two planes 两平面的交角
angle bisection 角平分
angle bisector 角平分线;分角线
angle in the alternate segment 交错弓形的圆周角
angle in the same segment 同弓形内的圆周角
angle of depression 俯角
angle of elevation 仰角
angle of friction 静摩擦角; 极限角
angle of greatest slope 最大斜率的角
angle of inclination 倾斜角
angle of intersection 相交角;交角
angle of projection 投射角
angle of rotation 旋转角
angle of the sector 扇形角
angle sum of a triangle 三角形内角和
angles at a point 同顶角
angular displacement 角移位
angular momentum 角动量
angular motion 角运动
angular velocity 角速度
annum(X% per annum) 年(年利率X%)
anti-clockwise direction 逆时针方向;返时针方向
anti-clockwise moment 逆时针力矩
anti-derivative 反导数; 反微商
anti-logarithm 逆对数;反对数
anti-symmetric 反对称
apex 顶点
approach 接近;趋近
approximate value 近似值
approximation 近似;略计;逼近
Arabic system 阿刺伯数字系统
arbitrary 任意
arbitrary constant 任意常数
arc 弧
arc length 弧长
arc-cosine function 反余弦函数
arc-sin function 反正弦函数
arc-tangent function 反正切函数
area 面积
Argand diagram 阿根图, 阿氏图
argument (1)论证; (2)辐角
argument of a complex number 复数的辐角
argument of a function 函数的自变量
arithmetic 算术
arithmetic mean 算术平均;等差中顶;算术中顶
arithmetic progression 算术级数;等差级数
arithmetic sequence 等差序列
arithmetic series 等差级数
arm 边
array 数组; 数组
arrow 前号
ascending order 递升序
ascending powers of X X 的升幂
assertion 断语; 断定
associative law 结合律
assumed mean 假定平均数
assumption 假定;假设
asymmetrical 非对称
asymptote 渐近
asymptotic error constant 渐近误差常数
at rest 静止
augmented matrix 增广矩阵
auxiliary angle 辅助角
auxiliary circle 辅助圆
auxiliary equation 辅助方程
average 平均;平均数;平均值
average speed 平均速率
axiom 公理
axiom of existence 存在公理
axiom of extension 延伸公理
axiom of inclusion 包含公理
axiom of pairing 配对公理
axiom of power 幂集公理
axiom of specification 分类公理
axiomatic theory of probability 概率公理论
axis 轴
axis of parabola 拋物线的轴
axis of revolution 旋转轴
axis of rotation 旋转轴
axis of symmetry 对称轴
back substitution 回代
bar chart 棒形图;条线图;条形图;线条图
base (1)底;(2)基;基数
base angle 底角
base area 底面
base line 底线
base number 底数;基数
base of logarithm 对数的底
basis 基
Bayes' theorem 贝叶斯定理
bearing 方位(角);角方向(角)
bell-shaped curve 钟形图
belong to 属于
Bernoulli distribution 伯努利分布
Bernoulli trials 伯努利试验
bias 偏差;偏倚
biconditional 双修件式; 双修件句
bijection 对射; 双射; 单满射
bijective function 对射函数; 只射函数
billion 十亿
bimodal distribution 双峰分布
binary number 二进数
binary operation 二元运算
binary scale 二进法
binary system 二进制
binomial 二项式
binomial distribution 二项分布
binomial expression 二项式
binomial series 二项级数
binomial theorem 二项式定理
bisect 平分;等分
bisection method 分半法;分半方法
bisector 等分线;平分线
Boolean algebra 布尔代数
boundary condition 边界条件
boundary line 界(线);边界
bounded 有界的
bounded above 有上界的;上有界的
bounded below 有下界的;下有界的
bounded function 有界函数
bounded sequence 有界序列
brace 大括号
bracket 括号
breadth 阔度
broken line graph 折线图
calculation 计算
calculator 计算器;计算器
calculus (1) 微积分学; (2) 演算
cancel 消法;相消
canellation law 消去律
canonical 典型; 标准
capacity 容量
cardioid 心脏
Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标
Cartesian equation 笛卡儿方程
Cartesian plane 笛卡儿平面
Cartesian product 笛卡儿积
category 类型;范畴
catenary 悬链
Cauchy sequence 柯西序列
Cauchy's principal value 柯西主值
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality 柯西 - 许瓦尔兹不等式
central limit theorem 中心极限定理
central line 中线
central tendency 集中趋
centre 中心;心
centre of a circle 圆心
centre of gravity 重心
centre of mass 质量中心
centrifugal force 离心力
centripedal acceleration 向心加速度
centripedal force force 向心力
centroid 形心;距心
certain event 必然事件
chain rule 链式法则
chance 机会
change of axes 坐标轴的变换
change of base 基的变换
change of coordinates 坐标轴的变换
change of subject 主项变换
change of variable 换元;变量的换
characteristic equation 特征(征)方程
characteristic function 特征(征)函数
characteristic of logarithm 对数的首数; 对数的定位部
characteristic root 特征(征)根
chart 图;图表
check digit 检验数位
checking 验算
chord 弦
chord of contact 切点弦
circle 圆
circular 圆形;圆的
circular function 圆函数;三角函数
circular measure 弧度法
circular motion 圆周运动
circular permutation 环形排列; 圆形排列; 循环排列
circumcentre 外心;外接圆心
circumcircle 外接圆
circumference 圆周
circumradius 外接圆半径
circumscribed circle 外接圆
cissoid 蔓叶
class 区;组;类
class boundary 组界
class interval 组区间;组距
class limit 组限;区限
class mark 组中点;区中点
classical theory of probability 古典概率论
classification 分类
clnometer 测斜仪
clockwise direction 顺时针方向
clockwise moment 顺时针力矩
closed convex region 闭凸区域
closed interval 闭区间
coaxial 共轴
coaxial circles 共轴圆
coaxial system 共轴系
coded data 编码数据
coding method 编码法
co-domain 上域
coefficient 系数
coefficient of friction 摩擦系数
coefficient of restitution 碰撞系数; 恢复系数
coefficient of variation 变差系数
cofactor 余因子; 余因式
cofactor matrix 列矩阵
coincide 迭合;重合
collection of terms 并项
collinear 共线
collinear planes 共线面
collision 碰撞
column (1)列;纵行;(2) 柱
column matrix 列矩阵
column vector 列向量
combination 组合
common chord 公弦
common denominator 同分母;公分母
common difference 公差
common divisor 公约数;公约
common factor 公因子;公因子
common logarithm 常用对数
common multiple 公位数;公倍
common ratio 公比
common tangent 公切
commutative law 交换律
comparable 可比较的
compass 罗盘
compass bearing 罗盘方位角
compasses 圆规
compasses construction 圆规作图
compatible 可相容的
complement 余;补余
complement law 补余律
complementary angle 余角
complementary equation 补充方程
complementary event 互补事件
complementary function 余函数
complementary probability 互补概率
complete oscillation 全振动
completing the square 配方
complex conjugate 复共轭
complex number 复数
complex unmber plane 复数平面
complex root 复数根
component 分量
component of force 分力
composite function 复合函数; 合成函数
composite number 复合数;合成数
composition of mappings 映射构合
composition of relations 复合关系
compound angle 复角
compound angle formula 复角公式
compound bar chart 综合棒形图
compound discount 复折扣
compound interest 复利;复利息
compound probability 合成概率
compound statement 复合命题; 复合叙述
computation 计算
computer 计算机;电子计算器
concave 凹
concave downward 凹向下的
concave polygon 凹多边形
concave upward 凹向上的
concentric circles 同心圆
concept 概念
conclusion 结论
concurrent 共点
concyclic 共圆
concyclic points 共圆点
condition 条件
conditional 条件句;条件式
conditional identity 条件恒等式
conditional inequality 条件不等式
conditional probability 条件概率
cone 锥;圆锥(体)
confidence coefficient 置信系数
confidence interval 置信区间
confidence level 置信水平
confidence limit 置信极限
confocal section 共焦圆锥曲
congruence (1)全等;(2)同余
congruence class 同余类
congruent 全等
congruent figures 全等图形
congruent triangles 全等三角形
conic 二次曲; 圆锥曲
conic section 二次曲; 圆锥曲
conical pendulum 圆锥摆
conjecture 猜想
conjugate 共轭
conjugate axis 共轭
conjugate diameters 共轭轴
conjugate hyperbola 共轭(直)径
conjugate imaginary / complex number 共轭双曲
conjugate radical 共轭虚/复数
conjugate surd 共轭根式; 共轭不尽根
conjunction 合取
connective 连词
connector box 捙接框
consecutive integers 连续整数
consecutive numbers 连续数;相邻数
consequence 结论;推论
consequent 条件;后项
conservation of energy 能量守恒
conservation of momentum 动量守恒
conserved 守恒
consistency condition 相容条件
consistent 一贯的;相容的
consistent estimator 相容估计量
constant 常数
constant acceleration 恒加速度
constant force 恒力
constant of integration 积分常数
constant speed 恒速率
constant term 常项
constant velocity 怛速度
constraint 约束;约束条件
construct 作
construction 作图
construction of equation 方程的设立
continued proportion 连比例
continued ratio 连比
continuity 连续性
continuity correction 连续校正
continuous 连续的
continuous data 连续数据
continuous function 连续函数
continuous proportion 连续比例
continuous random variable 连续随机变量
contradiction 矛盾
converge 收敛
convergence 收敛性
convergent 收敛的
convergent iteration 收敛的迭代
convergent sequence 收敛序列
convergent series 收敛级数
converse 逆(定理)
converse of a relation 逆关系
converse theorem 逆定理
conversion 转换
convex 凸
convex polygon 凸多边形
convexity 凸性
coordinate 坐标
coordinate geometry 解析几何;坐标几何
coordinate system 坐标系系定理;系;推论
coplanar 共面
coplanar forces 共面力
coplanar lines 共面
co-prime 互质; 互素
corollary 系定理; 系; 推论
correct to 准确至;取值至
correlation 相关
correlation coefficient 相关系数
correspondence 对应
corresponding angles (1)同位角;(2)对应角
corresponding element 对应边
corresponding sides 对应边
cosecant 余割
cosine 余弦
cosine formula 余弦公式
cost price 成本
cotangent 余切
countable 可数
countable set 可数集
countably infinite 可数无限
counter clockwise direction 逆时针方向;返时针方向
counter example 反例
counting 数数;计数
couple 力偶
Carmer's rule 克莱玛法则
criterion 准则
critical point 临界点
critical region 临界域
cirtical value 临界值
cross-multiplication 交叉相乘
cross-section 横切面;横截面;截痕
cube 正方体;立方;立方体
cube root 立方根
cubic 三次方;立方;三次(的)
cubic equation 三次方程
cubic roots of unity 单位的立方根
cuboid 长方体;矩体
cumulative 累积的
cumulative distribution function 累积分布函数
cumulative frequecy 累积频数;累积频率
cumulative frequency curve 累积频数曲
cumulative frequcncy distribution 累积频数分布
cumulative frequency polygon 累积频数多边形;累积频率直方图
curvature of a curve 曲线的曲率
curve 曲线
curve sketching 曲线描绘(法)
curve tracing 曲线描迹(法)
curved line 曲线
curved surface 曲面
curved surface area 曲面面积
cyclic expression 输换式
cyclic permutation 圆形排列
cyclic quadrilateral 圆内接四边形
cycloid 旋输线; 摆线
cylinder 柱;圆柱体
cylindrical 圆柱形的
damped oscillation 阻尼振动
data 数据
De Moivre's theorem 棣美弗定理
De Morgan's law 德摩根律
decagon 十边形
decay 衰变
decay factor 衰变因子
decelerate 减速
decelaration 减速度
decile 十分位数
decimal 小数
decimal place 小数位
decimal point 小数点
decimal system 十进制
decision box 判定框
declarative sentence 说明语句
declarative statement 说明命题
decoding 译码
decrease 递减
decreasing function 递减函数;下降函数
decreasing sequence 递减序列;下降序列
decreasing series 递减级数;下降级数
decrement 减量
deduce 演绎
deduction 推论
deductive reasoning 演绎推理
definite 确定的;定的
definite integral 定积分
definition 定义
degenerated conic section 降级锥曲线
degree (1) 度; (2) 次
degree of a polynomial 多项式的次数
degree of accuracy 准确度
degree of confidence 置信度
degree of freedom 自由度
degree of ODE 常微分方程次数
degree of precision 精确度
delete 删除; 删去
denary number 十进数
denominator 分母
dependence (1)相关; (2)应变
dependent event(s) 相关事件; 相依事件; 从属事件
dependent variable 应变量; 应变数
depreciation 折旧
derivable 可导
derivative 导数
derived curve 导函数曲线
derived function 导函数
derived statistics 推算统计资料; 派生统计资料
descending order 递降序
descending powers of x x的降序
descriptive statistics 描述统计学
detached coefficients 分离系数(法)
determinant 行列式
deviation 偏差; 变差
deviation from the mean 离均差
diagonal 对角线
diagonal matrix 对角矩阵
diagram 图; 图表
diameter 直径
diameter of a conic 二次曲线的直径
difference 差
difference equation 差分方程
difference of sets 差集
differentiable 可微
differential 微分
differential coefficient 微商; 微分系数
differential equation 微分方程
differential mean value theorem 微分中值定理
differentiate 求...的导数
differentiate from first principle 从基本原理求导数
differentiation 微分法
digit 数字
dimension 量; 量网; 维(数)
direct impact 直接碰撞
direct image 直接像
direct proportion 正比例
direct tax, direct taxation 直接税
direct variation 正变(分)
directed angle 有向角
directed line 有向直线
directed line segment 有向线段
directed number 有向数
direction 方向; 方位
direction angle 方向角
direction cosine 方向余弦
direction number 方向数
direction ratio 方向比
directrix 准线
Dirichlet function 狄利克来函数
discontinuity 不连续性
discontinuous 间断(的);连续(的); 不连续(的)
discontinuous point 不连续点
discount 折扣
discrete 分立; 离散
discrete data 离散数据; 间断数据
discrete random variable 间断随机变数
discrete uniform distribution 离散均匀分布
discriminant 判别式
disjoint 不相交的
disjoint sets 不相交的集
disjunction 析取
dispersion 离差
displacement 位移
disprove 反证
distance 距离
distance formula 距离公式
distinct roots 相异根
distincr solution 相异解
distribution 公布
distributive law 分配律
diverge 发散
divergence 发散(性)
divergent 发散的
divergent iteration 发散性迭代
divergent sequence 发散序列
divergent series 发散级数
divide 除
dividend (1)被除数;(2)股息
divisible 可整除
division 除法
division algorithm 除法算式
divisor 除数;除式;因子
divisor of zero 零因子
dodecagon 十二边形
domain 定义域
dot 点
dot product 点积
double angle 二倍角
double angle formula 二倍角公式
double root 二重根
dual 对偶
duality (1)对偶性; (2) 双重性
due east/ south/ west /north 向 东/ 南/ 西/ 北
dynamics 动力学
eccentric angle 离心角
eccentric circles 离心圆
eccentricity 离心率
echelon form 梯阵式
echelon matrix 梯矩阵
edge 棱;边
efficient estimator 有效估计量
effort 施力
eigenvalue 本征值
eigenvector 本征向量
elastic body 弹性体
elastic collision 弹性碰撞
elastic constant 弹性常数
elastic force 弹力
elasticity 弹性
element 元素
elementary event 基本事件
elementary function 初等函数
elementary row operation 基本行运算
elimination 消法
elimination method 消去法;消元法
ellipse 椭圆
ellipsiod 椭球体
elliptic function 椭圆函数
elongation 伸张;展
empirical data 实验数据
empirical formula 实验公式
empirical probability 实验概率;经验概率
empty set 空集
encoding 编码
enclosure 界限
end point 端点
energy 能; 能量
entire surd 整方根
epicycloid 外摆线
equal 相等
equal ratios theorem 等比定理
equal roots 等根
equal sets 等集
equality 等(式)
equality sign 等号
equation 方程
equation in one unknown 一元方程
equation in two unknowns
(variables) 二元方程
equation of a straight line 直线方程
equation of locus 轨迹方程
equiangular 等角(的)
equidistant 等距(的)
equilateral 等边(的)
equilateral polygon 等边多边形
equilateral triangle 等边三角形
equilibrium 平衡
equiprobable 等概率的
equiprobable space 等概率空间
equivalence 等价
equivalence class 等价类
equivalence relation 等价关系
equivalent 等价(的)
error 误差
error allowance 误差宽容度
error estimate 误差估计
error term 误差项
error tolerance 误差宽容度
escribed circle 旁切圆
estimate 估计;估计量
estimator 估计量
Euclidean algorithm 欧几里德算法
Euclidean geometry 欧几里德几何
Euler's formula 尤拉公式;欧拉公式
evaluate 计值
even function 偶函数
even number 偶数
evenly distributed 均匀分布的
event 事件
exact 真确
exact differential form 恰当微分形式
exact solution 准确解;精确解;真确解
exact value 法确解;精确解;真确解
example 例
excentre 外心
exception 例外
excess 起
exclusive 不包含
exclusive disjunction 不包含性析取
exclusive events 互斥事件
exercise 练习
exhaustive event(s) 彻底事件
existential quantifier 存在量词
expand 展开
expand form 展开式
expansion 展式
expectation 期望
expectation value, expected value 期望值;预期值
experiment 实验;试验
experimental 试验的
experimental probability 实验概率
explicit function 显函数
exponent 指数
exponential function 指数函数
exponential order 指数阶; 指数级
express…in terms of… 以………表达
expression 式;数式
extension 外延;延长;扩张;扩充
extension of a function 函数的扩张
exterior angle 外角
external angle bisector 外分角
external point of division 外分点
extreme point 极值点
extreme value 极值
extremum 极值
face 面
factor 因子;因式;商
factor method 因式分解法
factor theorem 因子定理;因式定理
factorial 阶乘
factorization 因子分解;因式分解
factorization of polynomial 多项式因式分解
fallacy 谬误
FALSE 假(的)
falsehood 假值
family 族
family of circles 圆族
family of concentric circles 同心圆族
family of straight lines 直线族
feasible solution 可行解;容许解
Fermat's last theorem 费尔马最后定理
Fibonacci number 斐波那契数;黄金分割数
Fibonacci sequence 斐波那契序列
fictitious mean 假定平均数
figure (1)图(形);(2)数字
final velocity 末速度
finite 有限
finite dimensional vector space 有限维向量空间
finite population 有限总体
finite probability space 有限概率空间
finite sequence 有限序列
finite series 有限级数
finite set 有限集
first approximation 首近似值
first derivative 一阶导数
first order differential equation 一阶微分方程
first projection 第一投影; 第一射影
first quartile 第一四分位数
first term 首项
fixed deposit 定期存款
fixed point 定点
fixed point iteration method 定点迭代法
fixed pulley 定滑轮
flow chart 流程图
focal axis 焦轴
focal chord 焦弦
focal length 焦距
focus(foci) 焦点
folium of Descartes 笛卡儿叶形线
foot of perpendicular 垂足
for all X 对所有X
for each /every X 对每一X
force 力
forced oscillation 受迫振动
form 形式;型
formal proof 形式化的证明
format 格式;规格
formula(formulae) 公式
four leaved rose curve 四瓣玫瑰线
four rules 四则
four-figure table 四位数表
fourth root 四次方根
fraction 分数;分式
fraction in lowest term 最简分数
fractional equation 分式方程
fractional index 分数指数
fractional inequality 分式不等式
free fall 自由下坠
free vector 自由向量; 自由矢量
frequency 频数;频率
frequency distribution 频数分布;频率分布
frequency distribution table 频数分布表
frequency polygon 频数多边形;频率多边形
friction 摩擦; 摩擦力
frictionless motion 无摩擦运动
frustum 平截头体
fulcrum 支点
function 函数
function of function 复合函数;迭函数
functional notation 函数记号
fundamental theorem of algebra 代数基本定理
fundamental theorem of calculus 微积分基本定理
gain 增益;赚;盈利
gain perent 赚率;增益率;盈利百分率
game (1)对策;(2)博奕
Gaussian distribution 高斯分布
Gaussian elimination 高斯消去法
general form 一般式;通式
general solution 通解;一般解
general term 通项
generating function 母函数; 生成函数
generator (1)母线; (2)生成元
geoborad 几何板
geometric distribution 几何分布
geometric mean 几何平均数;等比中项
geometric progression 几何级数;等比级数
geometric sequence 等比序列
geometric series 等比级数
geometry 几何;几何学
given 给定;已知
global 全局; 整体
global maximum 全局极大值; 整体极大值
global minimum 全局极小值; 整体极小值
golden section 黄金分割
grade 等级
gradient (1)斜率;倾斜率;(2)梯度
grand total 总计
graph 图像;图形;图表
graph paper 图表纸
graphical method 图解法
graphical representation 图示;以图样表达
graphical solution 图解
gravitational acceleration 重力加速度
gravity 重力
greatest term 最大项
greatest value 最大值
grid lines 网网格线
group 组;
grouped data 分组数据;分类数据
grouping terms 并项;集项
growth 增长
growth factor 增长因子
half angle 半角
half angle formula 半角公式
half closed interval 半闭区间
half open interval 半开区间
harmonic mean (1) 调和平均数; (2) 调和中项
harmonic progression 调和级数
head 正面(钱币)
height 高(度)
helix 螺旋线
hemisphere 半球体;半球
heptagon 七边形
Heron's formula 希罗公式
heterogeneous (1)参差的; (2)不纯一的
hexagon 六边形
higher order derivative 高阶导数
highest common factor(H.C.F) 最大公因子;最高公因式;最高公因子
Hindu-Arabic numeral 阿刺伯数字
histogram 组织图;直方图;矩形图
Holder's Inequality 赫耳德不等式
homogeneous 齐次的
homogeneous equation 齐次方程
Hooke's law 虎克定律
horizontal 水平的;水平
horizontal asymptote 水平渐近线
horizontal component 水平分量
horizontal line 横线;水平线
horizontal range 水平射程
hyperbola 双曲线
hyperbolic function 双曲函数
hypergeometric distribution 超几何分布
hypocycloid 内摆线
hypotenuse 斜边
hypothesis 假设
hypothesis testing 假设检验
hypothetical syllogism 假设三段论
hypotrochoid 次内摆线
idempotent 全幂等的
identical 全等;恒等
identity 等(式)
identity element 单位元
identity law 同一律
identity mapping 恒等映射
identity matrix 恒等矩阵
identity relation 恒等关系式
if and only if/iff 当且仅当;若且仅若
if…, then 若….则;如果…..则
illustration 例证;说明
image 像点;像
image axis 虚轴
imaginary circle 虚圆
imaginary number 虚数
imaginary part 虚部
imaginary root 虚根
imaginary unit 虚数单位
impact 碰撞
implication 蕴涵式;蕴含式
implicit definition 隐定义
implicit function 隐函数
imply 蕴涵;蕴含
impossible event 不可能事件
improper fraction 假分数
improper integral 广义积分; 非正常积分
impulse 冲量
impulsive force 冲力
incentre 内力
incircle 内切圆
inclination 倾角;斜角
inclined plane 斜面
included angle 夹角
included side 夹边
inclusion mapping 包含映射
inclusive 包含的;可兼的
inclusive disjunction 包含性析取;可兼析取
inconsistent 不相的(的);不一致(的)
increase 递增;增加
increasing function 递增函数
increasing sequence 递增序列
increasing series 递增级数
increment 增量
indefinite integral 不定积分
idenfinite integration 不定积分法
independence 独立;自变
independent equations 独立方程
independent event 独立事件
independent variable 自变量;独立变量
indeterminate (1)不定的;(2)不定元;未定元
indeterminate coefficient 不定系数;未定系数
indeterminate form 待定型;不定型
index,indices 指数;指
index notation 指数记数法
induced operation 诱导运算
induction hypothesis 归纳法假设
inelastic collision 非弹性碰撞
inequality 不等式;不等
inequality sign 不等号
inertia 惯性;惯量
infer 推断
inference 推论
infinite 无限;无穷
infinite dimensional 无限维
infinite population 无限总体
infinite sequence 无限序列;无穷序列
infinite series 无限级数;无穷级数
infinitely many 无穷多
infinitesimal 无限小;无穷小
infinity 无限(大);无穷(大)
inflection (inflexion) point 拐点;转折点
inherent error 固有误差
initial approximation 初始近似值
initial condition 原始条件;初值条件
initial point 始点;起点
initial side 始边
initial value 初值;始值
initial velocity 初速度
initial-value problem 初值问题
injection 内射
injective function 内射函数
inner product 内积
input 输入
input box 输入
inscribed circle 内切圆
insertion 插入
insertion of brackets 加括号
instantaneous 瞬时的
instantaneous acceleration 瞬时加速度
instantaneous speed 瞬时速率
instantaneous velocity 瞬时速度
integer 整数
integrable 可积
integrable function 可积函数
integral 积分
integral index 整数指数
integral mean value theorem 积数指数
integral part 整数部份
integral solution 整数解
integral value 整数值
integrand 被积函数
integrate 积;积分;......的积分
integrating factor 积分因子
integration 积分法
integration by parts 分部积分法
integration by substitution 代换积分法;换元积分法
integration constant 积分常数
interaction 相互作用
intercept 截距;截段
intercept form 截距式
intercept theorem 截线定理
interchange 互换
interest 利息
interest rate 利率
interest tax 利息税
interior angle 内角
interior angles on the same side of the transversal 同旁内角
interior opposite angle 内对角
intermediate value theorem 介值定理
internal bisector 内分角
internal division 内分割
internal energy 内能
internal force 内力
internal point of division 内分点
interpolating polynomial 插值多项式
interpolation 插值
inter-quartile range 四分位数间距
intersect 相交
intersection (1)交集;(2)相交;(3)交点
interval 区间
interval estimation 区间估计;区域估计
intuition 直观
invalid 失效;无效
invariance 不变性
invariant (1)不变的;(2)不变量;不变式
inverse 反的;逆的
inverse circular function 反三角函数
inverse cosine function 反余弦函数
inverse function 反函数;逆函数
inverse cosine function 反三角函数
inverse function 反函数;逆映射
inverse mapping 反向映射;逆映射
inverse matrix 逆矩阵
inverse problem 逆算问题
inverse proportion 反比例;逆比例
inverse relation 逆关系
inverse sine function 反正弦函数
inverse tangent function 反正切函数
inverse variation 反变(分);逆变(分)
invertible 可逆的
invertible matrix 可逆矩阵
irrational equation 无理方程
irrational number 无理数
irreducibility 不可约性
irregular 不规则
isomorphism 同构
isosceles triangle 等腰三角形
iterate (1)迭代值; (2)迭代
iteration 迭代
iteration form 迭代形
iterative function 迭代函数
iterative method 迭代法
jet propulsion 喷气推进
joint variation 联变(分);连变(分)
kinetic energy 动能
kinetic friction 动摩擦
known 己知
L.H.S. 末项
L'Hospital's rule 洛必达法则
Lagrange interpolating polynomial 拉格朗日插值多项代
Lagrange theorem 拉格朗日定理
Lami's law 拉密定律
Laplace expansion 拉普拉斯展式
last term 末项
latent root 本征根; 首通径
lattice point 格点
latus rectum 正焦弦; 首通径
law 律;定律
law of conservation of momentum 动量守恒定律
law of indices 指数律;指数定律
law of inference 推论律
law of trichotomy 三分律
leading coefficient 首项系数
leading diagonal 主对角线
least common multiple, lowest common multiple (L.C.M) 最小公倍数;最低公倍式
least value 最小值
left hand limit 左方极限
lemma 引理
lemniscate 双纽线
length 长(度)
letter 文字;字母
like surd 同类根式
like terms 同类项
limacon 蜗牛线
limit 极限
limit of sequence 序列的极限
limiting case 极限情况
limiting friction 最大静摩擦
limiting position 极限位置
line 线;行
line of action 作用力线
line of best-fit 最佳拟合
line of greatest slope 最大斜率的直;最大斜率
line of intersection 交线
line segment 线段
linear 线性;一次
linear convergence 线性收敛性
linear differeantial equation 线性微分方程
linear equation 线性方程;一次方程
linear equation in two unknowns 二元一次方程;二元线性方程
linear inequality 一次不等式;线性不等式
linear momentum 线动量
linear programming 线性规划
linearly dependent 线性相关的
linearly independent 线性无关的
literal coefficient 文字系数
literal equation 文字方程
load 负荷
loaded coin 不公正钱币
loaded die 不公正骰子
local maximum 局部极大(值)
local minimum 局部极小(值)
locus, loci 轨迹
logarithm 对数
logarithmic equation 对数方程
logarithmic function 对数函数
logic 逻辑
logical deduction 逻辑推论;逻辑推理
logical step 逻辑步骤
long division method 长除法
loop 回路
loss 赔本;亏蚀
loss per cent 赔率;亏蚀百分率
lower bound 下界
lower limit 下限
lower quartile 下四分位数
lower sum 下和
lower triangular matrix 下三角形矩阵
lowest common multiple(L.C.M) 最小公倍数
machine 机械
Maclaurin expansion 麦克劳林展开式
Maclaurin series 麦克劳林级数
magnitude 量;数量;长度;大小
major arc 优弧;大弧
major axis 长轴
major sector 优扇形;大扇形
major segment 优弓形;大弓形
mantissa 尾数
mantissa of logarithm 对数的尾数;对数的定值部
many to one 多个对一个
many-sided figure 多边形
many-valued 多值的
map into 映入
map onto 映上
mapping 映射
marked price 标价
Markov chain 马可夫链
mass 质量
mathematical analysis 数学分析
mathematical induction 数学归纳法
mathematical sentence 数句
mathematics 数学
matrix 阵; 矩阵
matrix addition 矩阵加法
matrix equation 矩阵方程
matrix multiplication 矩阵乘法
matrix operation 矩阵运算
maximize 极大
maximum absolute error 最大绝对误差
maximum point 极大点
maximum value 极大值
mean 平均(值);平均数;中数
mean deviation 中均差;平均偏差
mean value theorem 中值定理
measure of dispersion 离差的量度
measurement 量度
mechanical energy 机械能
median (1)中位数;(2)中线
meet 相交;相遇
mensuration 计量;求积法
method 方法
method of completing square 配方法
method of interpolation 插值法; 内插法
method of least squares 最小二乘法; 最小平方法
method of substitution 代换法;换元法
method of successive substitution 逐次代换法; 逐次调替法
method of superposition 迭合法
metric unit 十进制单位
mid-point 中点
mid-point formula 中点公式
mid-point theorem 中点定理
million 百万
minimize 极小
minimum point 极小点
minimum value 极小值
Minkowski Inequality 闵可夫斯基不等式
minor (1)子行列式;(2)劣;较小的
minor arc 劣弧;小弧
minor axis 短轴
minor of a determinant 子行列式
minor sector 劣扇形;小扇形
minor segment 劣弓形;小弓形
minus 减
minute 分
mixed number(fraction) 带分数
modal class 众数组
mode 众数
model 模型
modulo (1)模; 模数; (2)同余
modulo arithmetic 同余算术
modulus 模; 模数
modulus of a complex number 复数的模
modulus of elasticity 弹性模(数)
moment arm (1)矩臂; (2)力臂
moment of a force 力矩
moment of inertia 贯性矩
momentum 动量
monomial 单项式
monotone 单调
monotonic convergence 单调收敛性
monotonic decreasing 单调递减
monotonic decreasing function 单调递减函数
monotonic function 单调函数
monotonic increasing 单调递增
monotonic increasing function 单调递增函数
motion 运动
movable pulley 动滑轮
multinomial 多项式
multiple 倍数
multiple angle 倍角
multiple-angle formula 倍角公式
multiple root 多重根
multiplicand 被乘数
multiplication 乘法
multiplication law (of probability) (概率)乘法定律
multiplicative inverse 乘法逆元
multiplicative property 可乘性
multiplicity 重数
multiplier 乘数;乘式
multiply 乘
multi-value 多值的
mulually disjoint 互不相交
mutually exclusive events 互斥事件
mutually independent 独立; 互相独立
mutually perpendicular lines 互相垂直
n factorial n阶乘
n th derivative n阶导数
n th root n次根;n次方根
n the root of unity 单位的n次根
Napierian logarithm 纳皮尔对数; 自然对数
natural logarithm 自然对数
natural number 自然数
natural surjection 自然满射
necessary and sufficient condition 充要条件
necessary condition 必要条件
negation 否定式
negative 负
negative angle 负角
negative binomial distribution 负二项式分布
negative index 负指数
negative integer 负整数
negative number 负数
negative vector 负向量; 负矢量
neighborhood 邻域
net 净(值)
net force 净力
Newton-Cote's rule 牛顿 - 高斯法则
Newton-Raphson's method 牛顿 - 纳逊方法
Newton's formula 牛顿公式
Newton's law of motion 牛顿运动定律
Newton's method 牛顿方法
n-gon n边形
nonagon 九边形
non-collinear 不共线
non-commutative 非交换的
non-linear 非线性
non-linear equation 非线性方程
non-negative 非负的
non-reflexive 非自反的
non-singular (1)满秩的; (2)非奇异的
non-singular matrix 满秩矩阵
non-transitive 非可递的
non-trivial 非平凡的
non-zero 非零
norm 模方; 范数
normal (1)垂直的;正交的;法线的 (2)正态的 (3)正常的;正规的
normal curve 正态分布曲;常庇分布曲;正规曲;正庇曲
normal distribution 正态分布,常态分布
normal form 法线式
normal reaction 反向法作用力
normal to curve 曲线的法线
normal vector 法向量
normalize 正规化
normalized form 标准型
notation 记法;记号
null 零; 空
null hypothesis 零假设; 虚假设
null set 空集
null vector 零向量
number 数
number line 数线
number pair 数偶
number pattern 数型
number plane 数平面
number system 数系
numeral 数字;数码
numeral system 记数系统
numerator 分子
numerical 数值的;数字的
numerical analysis 数字分析
numerical expression 数字式
numerical integration 数值积分法
numerical method 计算方法;数值法
objective function 目标函数
oblique 斜的
oblique asymptote 斜渐近线
oblique cone 斜圆锥
oblique impact 斜向碰撞
oblique triangle 斜三角形
obtuse angle 钝角
obtuse-angled triangle 钝角三角形
octagon 八边形
octahedron 八面体
octant 卦限
odd function 奇函数
odd number 奇数
one-to-many 一个对多个
one-to-one 一个对一个
one-one correspondence 一一对应
one-one mapping 满射
open interval 开区间
open sentence 开句
operation 运算
opposite angle 对角
opposite interior angle 内对角
opposite side 对边
optimal solution 最优解
order (1)序;次序;(2)阶;级
order of a matrix 矩阵的阶
ordered n-tuples 有序n元; 有序n配列
ordered pair 序偶
ordered relation 有序关系
ordered set 有序集
ordered triples 有序三元; 有序三配列
ordinary differential equation 常微分方程
ordinate 纵坐标
origin 原点
orthocentre 垂心
orthogonal 正交
orthogonal circles 正交圆
orthogonal projection 正射影
orthogonality 正交性
oscillation 振动
oscillatory convergence 振动收敛性
outcome 结果
output 输出
output box 输出框
overlap 交迭;相交
pairwise mutually exclusive events 两两互斥事件
parabola 拋物线
paraboloid 抛物面
paradox 悖论
parallel 平行(的)
parallel force 平行力
parallel lines 平行(直线)
parallelepiped 平行六面体
parallelogram 平行四边形
parallelogram law of addition 平行四边形加法
parallelogram method 平行四边形法
parameter 参数;参变量
parametric equation 参数方程
parametric form 参数式
partial fraction 部分分数;分项分式
partial sum 部分和
partial variation 部分变(分)
particle 质点
particular solution 特解
partition 分割; 划分
Pascal's triangle 帕斯卡斯三角形
pattern 模型;规律
pegboard 有孔版
pencil of lines 线束
pendulum 摆
pentadecagon 十五边形
pentagon 五边形
per cent 百分率
percentage 百分法;百分数
percentage decrease 百分减少
percentage error 百分误差
percentage increase 百分增加
percentile 百分位数
perfect elastic body 完全弹性物体
perfect number 完全数
perfecr square 完全平方
perimeter 周长;周界
period 周期
periodic function 周期函数
permutation 排列
permutation with repetition 重复排列
permutation without repetition 无重复排列
perpendicular 垂线;垂直(于)
perpendicular bisector 垂直平分线;中垂线
perpendicular line 垂直线
phase 相; 位相
phase shift 相移
pictogram 象形图
pie chart 饼图;圆瓣图
pinboard 钉板
pivot 支点
place holder 补位数字
place value 位值
plan (1)平面图;(2)计划
plane 平面
plane figure 平面图形
plot 绘图
plus 加
point 点
point circle 点圆
point estimation 点估计
point of application of force 施力点
point of contact 切点
point of division 分点
point of inflection (inflexion) 拐点; 转折点
point of intersection 交点
point-slope form 点斜式
Pisson distribution 泊松分布
polar axis 极轴
polar coordinate plane 极坐标平面
polar coordinate 极坐标系统
polar coordinate system 极坐标系统
polar coordinates 极坐标
polar equation 极方程
polar form 点斜式
pole 极
polygon 多边形
polygon law of addition 多边形加法
polygon method 多边形法
polyhedron 多面体
polynomial 多项式
polynomial equation 多项式方程
population 总体
population mean 总体平均(值)
position vector 位置向量; 位置矢量
positive 正
positive index 正指数
positive integer 正整数
positive number 正数
posterior probability 后验概率; 事后概率
post-multiply 后乘; 自右乘
postulate 公设
potential energy 势能; 位能
power (1)幂;乘方;(2)功率;(3)检定力
power function 幂函数
power series 幂级数
power set 幂集; 势集
precise 精密
precision 精确度
preimage 像原
premultiply 前乘; 自左乘
prime 素
prime factor 质因子;质因素
prime number 素数;质数
primitive (1)本原的;原始的;(2)原函数
primitive function 原函数
principal (1)主要的;(2)本金
principal angle 主角
principal axis 主轴
principal value 主值
principal value interval 主值区间
prior probability 先验概率; 事先概率
prism 梭柱(体);角柱(体)
prismoid 平截头棱锥体
probability 概率
probability density function 概率密度函数
probability distribution 概率分布
probability generating function 概率母函数
problem 应用题
process box 处理框
produce 延长
product 乘积;积
product and sum formula 和积互变公式
product rule 积法则
product sample space 积样本空间
product set 积集
product to sum formula 积化和差公式
profit 盈利
profit per cent 盈利百分率
profits tax 利得税
progression 级数
projectile motion 抛射运动
projecting lines 投射线
projecting plane 投射平面
projection 投影(映); 射影(映)
proof 证(题);证明
proof by contradiction 反证法; 归谬法
proof by contrapositive 反证法
proper fraction 真分数
proper integral 正常积分
proper subset 真子集
property 性质
property tax 物业税
proportion 比例
proportional 成比例
proposition 命题
propositional calculus 命题演算
propositional inference 命题推演
protractor 量角器
pulley 滑轮
punch card 打孔卡
purely imaginary number 纯虚数
pyramid 棱锥(体);角锥(体)
Pythagoras' theorem 勾股定理
Pythagorean triplet 毕氏三元数组
quadrant 象限
quadratic convergence 二阶收敛性
quadratic equation 二次方程(式)
quadratic formula 二次公式
quadratic function 二次函数
quadratic inequality 二次不等式
quadratic polynomial 四边形
quadrature 求积法
quadrilateral 四边形
quantifier 量词
quantity 数量
quartic equation 四次方程
quartile 四分位数
quintic equation 五次方程
quotient 商;商式
quotient rule 商法则
quotient set 商集
R.H.S 右
radial component 沿径分量
radian 弧度
radian measure 弧度法
radical 根式;根号;根数
radical axis 根轴
radical centre 根心
radius, radii 半径
random 随机
random experiment 随机试验
random number 随机数
random sample 随机样本
random variable 随机变量
range 值域;区域;范围;极差;分布域
rank 秩
rate 率;利率
rate of change 变率; 变化率
rate of convergence 收敛率
ratio 比 ; 比率
rational expression 有理式;有理数式
rational function 有理函数
rational index 有理数指数
rational number 有理数
rationalization 有理化
raw data 原始数据
raw score 原始分(数)
reaction (force) 反作用(力)
real axis 实轴
real number 实数
real part 实部
real root 实根
reason 理由
reciprocal 倒数
recoil 反冲; 弹回
rectangle 长方形;矩形
rectangular block 长方体
rectangular coordinate plane 直角坐标平面
rectangular coordinates 直角坐
rectangular distribution 矩形分布
rectangular formula 矩形公式
rectangular hyperbola 等轴只曲线; 正只曲线
rectangular number 矩形数
rectifiable 可求长的
rectilinear figure 直线图形
rectilinear motion 直线运动
recurrence formula 递推公式
recurrent 循环的
recurring decimal 循环小数
reduce 简化
reducibility 可约性; 可化简性
reducible 可约的;可化简的
reductio ad absurdum 反证法; 归谬法
reduction formula 归约公式
reduction of forces 力的约化
reference angle 参考角
reference line 基准线
reflex angle 优角;反角
reflexive 自反的
reflexive relation 自反关系
region 区域
region of acceptance 接受区域
region of convergency 收敛区域
region of rejection 否定区域
regula falsi method 试位法
regular 正;规则
regular polygon 正多边形
reject 舍去;否定
relation 关系;关系式
relative error 相对误差
relative frequency 相对频数
relative maximum 相对极大
relative minimum 相对极小
relative motion 相对运动
relative velocity 相对速度
relatively prime 互素
remainder 余数;余式;剩余
remainder term 余项
remainder theorem 余式定理
removable discontinuity 可移不连续性
removal of brackets 撤括号;去括号
repeated trials 重复试验
residual 残差; 剩余
resolution of force 力的分解
resolution of vector 向量分解; 矢量分解
resolve 分解
restoring force 回复力
resultant 合量
resultant force 合力
resultant vector 合向量; 合矢量
resultant velocity 合速度
retard 减速
retardation 减速度
revolution 旋转;周转
rhombus 菱形
right angle 直角
right circular cone 直立圆锥(体)
right circular cylinder 直立圆柱(体)
right hand limit 右方极限
right prism 直立棱柱;直立角柱(体)
right pyramid 直立棱锥;直立角锥(体)
right-angled triangle 直角二角形
rigid body 刚体
Rolle's theorem 洛尔定理
root 根
root-mean-square 均方根
rotation 旋转
round angle 周角
rounded number 舍数
rounding(off) 舍入;四舍五入
row 行;棋行
row vector 行向量; 行矢量
rule 规则;法(则)
ruler 直尺
salaries tax 薪俸税
sample 抽样;样本
sample mean 样本平均数
sample space 样本空间
sampling distribution 抽样分布
sampling theory 抽样理论
sandwich theorem 迫近定理
satisfy 满足;适合
scalar 纯量; 无向量, 标量
scalar matrix 纯量矩阵
scalar multipliction 纯量乘法
scalar product 纯量积
scalar triple product 纯量三重积
scale 比例尺;标度;图尺
scalene triangle 不等边三角形;不规则三角形
scatter diagram 散点图
Schwartz's inequality 施瓦兹不等式
scientific notation 科学记数法
secant (1)正割; (2)割线
secant method 正割法
second 秒
second derivative 二阶导数
second order ordinary differential equation 二阶常微分方程
second quartile 第二四分位数(1)截面;截线;(2)截点
section (1)截面;截线;(2)截点
section formula 截点公式
sector 扇式
segment 段;节
segment of a circle 弓形
selling price 售价
semicircle 半圆
semi-conjugate axis 半共轭轴
semi-major axis 半主轴; 半长轴
semi-minor axis 半副轴; 半短轴
semi-transverse axis 半贯轴
semi-vertical angle 半顶角
sentence 句;语句
separable differential equation 可分微分方程
septic equation 七次方程
sequence 序列
series 级数
set 集
set square 三角尺;三角板
set-builder form 集的结构式
shaded portion 有阴影部分
shape 形状
shear 位移
side 边;侧
sign 符号;记号
signed number 有符号数
significance level 显著性水平
significant figure 有效数字
signum 正负号函数
similar 相似
similar figures 相似图形
similar triangles 相似三角形
similarity 相似(性)
simple equation 简易方程
simple harmonic motion 简谐运动
simple interest 单利;单利息
simple iteration method 简单迭代法
simple pendulum 单摆
simplify 简化
Simpson's integral 森逊积分
Simpson's rule 森逊法则
simultaneous differential equations 微分方程组; 联立微分方程
simultaneous equations 联立方程
simultaneous inequalities 联立不等式
simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns 联合二次线性方程式
sine 正弦
sine formula 正弦公式
singleton 单元集
single-valued function 单值函数
singular 奇的
singular matrix 奇异矩阵; 不可逆矩阵
skew distribution 偏斜分布
skew line 偏斜线
slant edge 斜棱
slant height 斜高
slope 斜率;斜度;倾斜;坡度
slope-intercept form 斜率截距式;斜截式
soild with uniform corss-section 有均匀横切面的立体
solid 立体;固体
solid of revolution 旋转体; 回旋体
solution 解;解法
solution of equation 方程解
solution of triangle 三角形解法
solution set 解集
solve 解
span 生成
special angle 特殊角;特别角
speed 速率
sphere 球形;球面
spheroid 球体
spiral 螺线
square (1)平方;(2)正方形
square bracket 方括号
square matrix 方(矩)阵
square number 正方形数;平方数
square root 平方根;二次根
squeeze theorem 迫近定理
stability 稳度
standard deviation 标准差;标准偏离
standard equation 标准方程
standard error 标准误差
standard form 标准式
standard normal distribution 标准正态分布; 标准常态分布
standard score 标准分
standard unit 标准单位
statement 语句
statement calculus 命题演算
static friction 静磨擦
statics 静力学
stationary 平稳
stationary point 平稳点; 逗留点; 驻点
stationary value 平稳值
statistical chart 统计分析
statistical data 统计图表
statistical significance 统计数据
statistics 统计显著性
step 统计; 统计学
step function 阶梯函数
straight line 直线
straight line graph 直线图像
strictly monotonic 严格单调
strictly monotonic function 严格单调函数
subject 主项
submultiple angle formula 半角公式
subnormal 次法线
subsequence 子(序)列
subset 子集
subsidiary angle 辅助角
substitute 代入
substitution 代入; 代入法
subtangent 次切线
subtend 对向
subtract 减
subtraction 减法
successive approximation 逐次逼近法
successive derivative 逐次导数
successive differentiation 逐次微分法
sufficiency 充份性
sufficient and necessary condition 充要条件
sufficient condition 充份条件
sufficiently close 充份接近
suffix 下标
sum 和
sum to infinity 无限项之和
sum to n terms n 项和
sum to product formula 和化积公式
summation 求和法; 总和
summation formula 求和公式
superimposing 迭合
super set 母集
supplementary angle 补角
surd 根式; 不尽根
surface 面; 表面
surface area 表面面积; 曲面面积
surface of revolution 旋转曲面; 回转曲面
surjection 满射
surjective function 满射函数; 映成函数
syllogism 三段论
symbol 符号; 记号
symmetrix difference 对称差
symmetric expression 对称式
symmetric relation 对称关系
symmetry 对称; 对称性
synthetic division 综合除法
system 系统; 体系; 组; 系
system of circles 圆族; 圆系
system of numerals 记数系统
system of straight lines 直线族; 直线系
table 表;数表
tabulate 制表
tabulation form 表列式
tabulation method 列表法
tail 反面(钱币)
tangent (1)正切;(2)切
tautology 恒真命题;恒真式
Taylor’s expansion 泰勒展开式
Taylor’s series 泰勒级数
Taylor’s theorem 泰勒定理
tension 张力
term 项
terminal box 终端框
terminal point 终点
terminal side 终边
terminal velocity 终端速度
terminating decimal 有尽小数
tesselation 密铺;铺嵌;嵌砌
test ciiterion 检验标准
test of significance 显著性检验
tetrahedron 四面体
theorem 定理
theoretical probability 理论概率
theory 理论;论
third quartile 第三四分位数
three-dimensional space 三维空间
thrust 推力
time 时间
to the nearest 至最接近之
top 顶
torque 转矩
torus 环面
total 总数
total probability 总概率
touch 切;切触
trajectory 轨;轨迹
transcendental function 超越函数
transcendental number 超越数
transform 变换;转换
transformation 变换
transformation of variable 变数转换
transitive 可传递的
transitive law 可迁律
transitive property 传递性
transitivity 传递性
translation 平移
transpose 移项;转置
transpose of matrix 倒置矩阵;转置矩阵
transversal 截;横截的
transverse axis 贯轴;横截轴
transverse component 横截分量
trapezium 梯形
trapezoidal integral 梯形积分
trapezoidal rule 梯形法则
travel graph 行程图
tree diagram 树形图
trial 试;试验
triangle 三角形
triangle inequality 三角不等式
triangle law of addition 三角形加法
triangle method 三角形法
triangular matrix 三角矩阵
triangular number 三角形数
triangular prism 三棱柱;三角柱
trichotomy law 三分律;三一律
trichotomy property 三分律;三一律
trigonometric equation 三角方程
trigonometric function 三角函数
trigonometric identity 三角恒等式
trigonometric ratio 三角比
trigonometric table 三角函数表
trigonometry 三角学;三角
trinomial 三项式
triple 三倍
triple angle 三倍角
triple product 三重积
trisect 三等分
trivial solution 平凡解
trochoid 次摆
truncated Taylor’s series 截断泰勒级数
truncation error 截断误差
truth table 真值表
truth value 真值
turning point 转向点
two-dimensional space 二维空间
two-point form 两点式
two-tailed test 双尾检验;只端检验
type I error I型误差
type II error II型误差
unary operation 一元运算
unbiased estimator 无偏估计量
unbounded function 无界函数
undefined 未下定义(的)
undetermined coefficient 待定系数
unequal 不等
ungrouped data 不分组数据
uniform 一致(的);均匀(的)
uniform acceleration 匀加速度
uniform body 均匀物体
uniform cross-section 均匀横切面
uniform motion 匀速运动
uniform speed 匀速率
uniform velocity 匀速度
uniformly distributed 均匀分布
unimodal distribution 单峰分布
union 并集; 和解
unique solution 唯一解
uniqueness 唯一性
unit 单位
unit area 单位面积
unit circle 单位圆
unit imaginary number 单位虚数
unit matrix 单位矩阵
unit vector 单位向量; 单位矢量
unit volume 单位体积
universal quantifier 全称量词
universal set 全集; 宇集; 泛量
unknown 未知数;未知量
unlike 异类项
upper bound 上界
upper limit 上限
upper quartile 上四分位数
upper sum 上和
upper triangular matrix 上三角形矩阵
valid formula 恒直公式; 有效公式
validity 真确性; 有效性
value 值
variability 可变性; 变异性
variable 变项;变量;元;变元;变数
variable speed 可变速率
variable velocity 可变速度
variance 方差
variation 变数;变分
vector 向量; 矢量
vector addition 向量和; 矢量和
vector equation 向量方程; 矢量方程
vector function 向量函数; 矢量函数
vector product 矢量积; 矢量积
vector space 向量空间
vector subspace 量子空间
vector triple product 向量三重积
velocity 速度
Venn diagram 温氏图; 范氏图
verify 证明;验证
vertex, vertices 顶(点);极点
vertical 铅垂;垂直
vertical angle 顶角
vertical asymptote 垂直渐近线
vertical component 垂直分量
vertical line 纵线;铅垂
vertically opposite angles 对顶角
vibration 振动
void set 空集
volume 体积
volume of revolution 旋转体的体积; 回转体的体积
watt 瓦特; 瓦
weight (1)重量;(2)权
weighted average, weighted mean 加权平均数
whole number 整数;完整数
width 阔度
without loss of generality 不失一般性
work 功
x-axis x轴
x-coordinate x坐标
x-intercept x轴截距
y-axis y轴
y-coordinate y坐标
y-intercept y轴截距
zero 零
zero factor 零因子
zero matrix 零矩阵
zero vector 零向量
zeros of a function 函数零值
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 12:35 AM 2 comments
Labels: English
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
关于ubuntu无法在启动时mount ntfs-3g的问题
以前在 /etc/fstab 中把ntfs分区改为用ntfs-3g以后不生效,boot时提示不认得ntfs-3g模块,现在终于解决这个问题了。
modprobe -l fuse
然后,写 fstab 也是有讲究的。以前boot时无法自动 mount ntfs-3g,但启动完了以后可以手动mount或 mount -a。现在发现原因是这样:我在 fstab 中把 ntfs-3g 的分区写在 /usr 分区之前,于是启动时还没 ntfs-3g 需要的模块,于是 mount 不成功。 现在把 ntfs-3g 的分区写在最后,就可以 mount 成功了。 现在的 /etc/fstab 内容如下:
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# -- This file has been automaticly generated by ntfs-config --
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
# Entry for /dev/sda10 :
UUID=4bb3f927-e5cd-4218-b6c0-068fbb5f14f3 / xfs defaults 0 1
# Entry for /dev/sda12 :
UUID=93015402-af07-4cc9-894c-924f8f644f37 /boot ext3 defaults 0 2
# Entry for /dev/sda11 :
UUID=bea69ead-ff4d-410b-b0aa-71f873c72695 /usr xfs defaults 0 2
# Entry for /dev/sda9 :
UUID=c79799e4-3a11-40d1-8bd0-28674be553a7 none swap sw 0 0
# Entry for /dev/sda1 :
UUID=320D-180E /media/hda1 vfat defaults,codepage=936,umask=007,gid=46 0 1
# Entry for /dev/sda5 :
UUID=12E42A32D9985B49 /media/hda5 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=zh_CN.GBK 0 1
# Entry for /dev/sda6 :
UUID=4B90A8CB66616D24 /media/hda6 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=zh_CN.GBK 0 1
# Entry for /dev/sda7 :
UUID=AA057C6FE66428E1 /media/hda7 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=zh_CN.GBK 0 1
# Entry for /dev/sda8 :
UUID=01EB842D27CE8190 /media/hda8 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=zh_CN.GBK 0 1
/dev/hdb /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Linux
但, windows是用GBK的,我在ubuntu下写完的latex源文件在windows下就是乱码,得转编码才能看。因此,为了照顾windows,我决定把ubuntu的编码改成GBK。
export LC_ALL=zh_CN.GBK
然后修改 /etc/enviroment
在 /usr/lib/locale 如果没有某个编码目录,则用 locale-gen 生成:
sudo locale-gen zh_CN.UTF-8
sudo locale-gen zh_CN.GBK
sudo locale-gen zh_CN.GB18030
sudo locale-gen zh_CN.GB2312
cd /usr/lib/locale
sudo localedef --add-to-archive zh_CN
sudo localedef --add-to-archive zh_CN.utf8
sudo localedef --add-to-archive zh_CN.gb18030
sudo localedef --add-to-archive zh_CN.gbk
修改 /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local
zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
zh_CN.GB2312 GB2312
zh_CN.GB18030 GB18030
再 sudo locale-gen
最后,别忘了把 /etc/fstab 中每个windows分区的编码改为gbk
如果是ntfs格式,把mount参数中的 nls=utf8 改为 nls=cp936
如果是fat格式,把mount参数中的 utf8 改为 codepage=936
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Posted by Huang Yuanhe at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Linux