Monday, May 28, 2007



前一阵子在windows下格了一个分区,重启以后居然grub坏了,于是用ubuntu的livecd引导,打算用grub-install恢复。因为不清楚grub-install的参数,就随便试了试,没想到它的杀伤力还挺大,直接把ubuntu的\分区搞坏了。我真是痛心疾首啊,我的ubuntu好不容易才配得让我满意的。现在也没办法了,只好重装,正好我也久闻gentoo大名,最近又出了gentoo 2007.0,于是把心一横,装起gentoo来了。

不得不说gentoo真是太复杂了,光是安装就花了我两个晚上。而且我还不是stage 3安装的,是直接用livecd的installer安装的(也就是非编译安装,直接拷二进制文件)。我直到装完了以后,才认识到gentoo的正统安装方式就是stage 3,基于网络和命令行的安装。这个图形的安装程序真的是非常非常烂(我就没见过这么烂的),不过这也不能怪他,毕竟gentoo的老用户都对这种图形安装没有需求。另外这张livecd也是一张budy cd,费了好大力气才把gentoo装上,一如所料的进不了X,把驱动改成vesa后进去一看,真叫一个丑,其实这就是gnome的标准界面,这时有点怀念ubuntu了,人家确实是花了工夫取悦用户的眼球的,而以gentoo的风格,肯定是不会管这种事情的。



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Friday, May 11, 2007


学Windows API编程,照书上抄了一个例子,用VS2005,居然一编译就报错(是VS运行错误,不是我的代码编译错误)退出。




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Thursday, May 10, 2007


Source: Homework of Theoretical Computer Science


Suppose now that you're given an n*n grid graph G. Each node v is labeled by a real number x_v; you may assume that all these labels are distinct. A node v is a local minimum if the label x_v is less than the labels x_w for all nodes w that are joined to v.
You can determine the value x_v by probing the node v. Show how to find a local minimum of G using only O(n) probes to the nodes of G.


First let's think about this, we start at an arbitrary grid, if one of its adjacent grid has a smaller label, then we move to this grid, and repeat the same process. Finally we will reach a local minimum grid. We call the path we are walking through a "decreasing path". This is a simple way to find a local minimum, but the probes we need is O(n^2) instead of O(n). However, we will see this idea useful later.

Now let's consider a subgraph of the G, suppose it is an rectangular grid graph, and v is the smallest grid of the grids on the border of this rectangle. Suppose v' is the grid adjacent to v and inside the rectangle, if v' is smaller than v, then we can conclude that there exist a local minimum inside the triangle. This is because if we can alwasy a "decreasing path" starting from v', ending at at local minimum. This decreasing path will not go across the border of the rectangle, since v' is smaller than all the grids on the border. So, base on this conclusion, we can divide and conquer the problem.

We may assume that the outer of the G has a very large label. At the first step we probe all the grids of the column at the very middle of G. The column divides the graph G into two n*(n/2) rectangular subgraphs. Suppose the smallest grid of the column is v_1, then we probe the two neighbors of v_1 which are not in the same column of v_1. If the two grids are all larger than v_1, then v_1 is a local minimum. Otherwise, at least one of the two neigbhbors is smaller than v_1, so we can determine which rectangular subgraph definitely contains a local minimum, ccording the conclusion we just worked out. And at the second step, we probe all the grids of the row at the very middle of the rectangular subgraph, this row divides the subgraph into two (n/2)*(n/2) square subgraphs. Suppose the smallest grid of the row is v_2, if v_2>v_1, then the decreasing path starting at v_1 will not go across the row, so we choose the square subgraph which contains v_1. (At this situation v_1 will not locate at the common corner of the two squares, since v_1's neighbor is smaller than it and v_2 is larger than it.) If v_2<v_1, then we probe the two neighbor's of v_2 which are not at the same row of v_2, and use the same way as we due with v_1, to select one square subgraph, or assert v_2 itself is a local minimum. (At this situation v_2 will not locate at the common corner of the two squares, since v_1 is the smallest grid of the column and v_2<v_1.) Now we have shrunk the graph in to a (n/2)*(n/2) subgraph, with 3n/2+4 probes at most. We can apply the same process to the subgraph and finally we will get a local minimum. So the total number of probes will be T(n)=T(n/2)+3n/2+4=3n+4log(n)=O(n).

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007


今年59岁的彭大泽在6年以前才刚刚有了一个幸福的家庭。妻子小朱和5岁的女儿彭思宇是他目前全部的精神寄托。“他为人忠厚、善良,而且有很好的学问,讲话幽默,所以我才选择嫁给他。”妻子小朱羞涩地说道,“对于他的"理论研究",我绝对全力支持。” 彭大泽紧紧握着妻子的手,骄傲地说:“在这个领域(指天文及物理),我是专家。” 1979年,32岁的彭大泽还是四川省图书馆的一名普通的图书管理员,因为工作的关系,经常在工作之余看一些科普知识的书。就是在那个时候,彭大泽从书上了解到300年前,世界上有一个名叫牛顿的人,因为被苹果撞到了头,而发现了“万有引力规律”,由此,彭大泽对天文及物理产生了浓厚的兴趣。没有上过正规大学的他,经常从一些科普书籍上学到他想要的知识。
“那年7月28日晚上11点半,那个时间我记得很清楚,并且终身难忘,”彭大泽说,“我天才般地发现了"万有斥力规律"。” 彭大泽介绍说,当天晚上正在播放电视剧《屈原》。从屈原被杀,他联想到了战争,从而又联想到了手榴弹。 “手榴弹为什么能炸死人呢?因为手榴弹会爆炸,爆炸那一瞬间的冲击力很强,所以可以炸死人。”彭大泽扶了一下鼻端的眼镜,双眼迸射出兴奋的光芒,说,“请问,是手榴弹的弹片向人有一个推力,还是人自己将弹片吸引过来炸死自己呢?答案很简单,绝对是手榴弹对人有一个推力,我立刻想到,其实太阳对地球的作用是一样的。”彭认为,太阳就像一个巨大的“手榴弹”,每时每刻都在不断地爆炸,并且发射能量。而我们生活的银河系中有1500亿个太阳,地球要承受来自1500亿颗太阳爆炸时所产生的斥力。“这么多太阳都在爆炸,都在产生斥力,你说,我们人类能不安稳地生活在地球上吗?”彭大泽说,“都说地球有引力,引力来源于地心。可是至今为止科学家都没有发现引力源在哪里,凭什么认为地球有引力呢?况且,地心是一个几何概念,一个小小的点,这样一个小小的点,它有何德何能可以吸引住地球上的土地、人类、水还有天上的空气和飞鸟?所以,我认为地球上根本没有引力,地球上的一切之所以可以存在的原因在于,那么多个太阳爆炸产生的斥力,将这一切压在了地球上。这是我的"万有斥力规律"的核心内容。”
 “这些都是国外的专家给我寄来的。” 彭大泽自豪地说,“我当时发现了"万有斥力规律",1980年的时候给中科院的领导写信,可是他们把信还有我准备的资料都给我退回来,那个意思好像认为我是个疯子。没有办法,在那种情况下,我只好给国外的研究学会写信,希望得到他们的认可。”记者在彭的家中看到,包括美国宇航学会、美国阿拉斯加科学院在内的各国各类科学院、研究所都曾给彭大泽回过信。
彭大泽扬了扬已经发黄的信纸说:“外国人说有趣其实就是不赞同的意思,不过,他承认我的见解很有创意,这就足够了。我需要的不是认可,因为真理总是需要时间去证明, 1543年,哥白尼提出日心学说,那么多人认为他是疯子,还受到当时教会的排斥,跟他比起来,我受点冷遇又算什么?要知道,每天跟我在一起进行神交的人都不是现在这些人,都是哥白尼、伽利略、布鲁诺这些人,他们跟我才是一个档次的。” 彭大泽一直将自己自喻为"当代的哥白尼",为了坚持真理,不畏惧受到别人的冷遇。
为了将自己的“万有斥力”理论向世界上更多国家的人进行宣传,彭大泽一直致力于自学英语。记者看到,仅有高中学历的彭大泽不但可以很流利地读出那一页一页发黄的信纸上的英文来信,甚至还用英文在一本名为“University Microfilms International”的学术刊物上发表了几百字的论文。“对别人来说学英语很难,但对我来说,因为学以致用,所以非常容易。除了因为是自学,发音不是很准以外,读写听对我来说都没有问题。”彭大泽自豪地说。
“领导非要我写上,"在他的领导及关怀下",我觉得很奇怪,明明是我自己想出来的东西,为什么要写成在他的关怀下?我坚决不同意,结果,他们不仅不批准我出国,还说我"招摇撞骗,向国外要钱"。” 彭大泽十分愤懑地说,“但是,我有一种强烈的历史责任感,我完全知道我的此举是在为国家做贡献,历史将因我而改变,真理最终会得到人们的承认。但是,当时那种情况下,我无力反抗,我只好用留长头发这样的行为来进行无言的反击。不仅在我们单位,可能在整个成都市,我都是第一个留长发的男人。”


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Saturday, May 5, 2007





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Friday, May 4, 2007


ubuntu 7.04
比如 sudo cd /media/hda7/Program\ Files/< tab > 无效

把 /etc/bash_completion 中 _command 函数里的

# split current command line tokens into array
COMP_WORDS=( $cline )

# split current command line tokens into array
for (( i=1 ; i<=COMP_CWORD ; i++)); do

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Thursday, May 3, 2007

My 5.1 Vacation

generally i only post tech notes in this blog, but this time i will try to write something else. it's about my life, my notion, and my emotion. seems i've never express myself like this before, and i don't know why i m doing this now. maybe i m just feeling tired and oppressed so that i want to write something down for relaxation and abreaction. since this essay may be somewhat private for me, and i dont want so many people to read it, so i decide to write it in english. i hope my poor english can effectively hinder most unwanted people from reading this essay. if you are not so interested in me, i promise you will find no fun here, and i suggest you leave before wasting you time here.
it's 5.1 festival now, the meaning of this festival is "working people's day". i don't think i'm a "working people", but this festival do bring me a 7-day-vacation. All of my roomates have gone back home or traveling, leaving me alone in the dormitory. sometimes i desire quiet and peace, but this time i feel lonely and anxious. at the very beginning, i decided to study all the 7 days so that i will have no spare time in feeling bad. but such a plan aborted, as usual. actually in the day i really went to my haunt of classroom, but i found the classroom will be closed since May 1st to May 4th. i am so disappointed so i went back to my dormitory. i thought i can also do my job well in the dormitory, but i was wrong. Even when there were nobody else in the dormitory, i still can not concentrate on my work, perhaps that's because it's too comfortable and too silent in the dormitory. All these days i had no efficiency, i just kept sleeping all day. even when i was awake in the noon, i still don't want to get up of my bed. this circumstance is just like the summer holidays and the winter holidays: in the beginning i don't want to be decadent, but at last i am.
other people may expect the 5.1 vacation, but i do not. i'm a guy that like things and environment to be invariable. i just want the tough-study-time to continue during the hole semester, so that i can keep working till the summer vacation, and then have a good rest. while now that i've got a 7-day-vacation, i cannot keep myself from playing and resting during this short vacation, but soon after this vacation i m still facing the tough school work, and even the midterm exam! i can not change my status so rapidly. so during this short vacation, i feel nervious. especially there are still so much homework waiting for me, nearly all the teachers have doubled their homework since the vacation. i have just finished the experiment of THE PRINCIPLE OF COMPILE, but there are still homework of THE THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, which is the most troublesome homework and now the quantity of which is doubled. still there are midterm big task of VC waiting for me, and the experiment report of COMPUTER NETWORKS, i don't know how i can cope with these mess. every time i try to start working but i just can't. my spirit is just not the same with which in the study day.
i am not just staying in my dormitory these days. for the purpose of relaxation, i bought myself a pair of roller-skate shoes, and that's the first time i went out of our campus this semester. i m not that like sports, you know, i just want to find myself some interest. i do feel a little bit funny in playing the roller-skate, but after that i feel more tired then funny. of coure, any pleasure would take a cost. i most appreciate the precise of this little mechanism, which is so efficient, make us moving so fast and efficiently. i always believe machines are better then human being, so our job is to make machines work for us, but not to do the work ourselves which machines can do. maybe one day machines can design machines themselves, then it's time for humans to be extinct. who knows, but i m really expecting this day.
people used to think i have some psychological problems, maybe they are right. don't be afraid, i never hurt the others (not physically, at least). i have to say i am somehow different from the ordinary people, but i don't feel wrong with this, since i don't want to be ordinary. whereas when i came to this university, i found everyone is abnormal, nearly all of them are eccentric, so i become ordinary here. i dont know whether this place is good for me, but day after day when i live with these abnormal guys, i feel harder to communicate with those guys outside the campus, i.e., those ordinary guys. here i really met some guys that i admire, they are far more excellent than me. maybe that's why i m feeling so anxcious all the time, but in the other hand, i really feel exciting to meet so many excellent guys. i am paradoxically, am i?
after i came to the university, i've learned lots of things, lots of knowledges, and myself have thought alot. sometimes i like to talk about some philosophy with my roomates. sometimes i feel lucky and proud that i m cleverer than the ordinary people and i have more knowledge. but i find that the more knowledge i gain, the more unhappy i will feel. when i was in the middle school, although the teachers didn't like me, didn't agree with me, and the hole school gave me greate preasure, but i was still optimistic. my thought was so simple then, i believed i am more excellent than the others, and i believed that i will go to the best university in china. now that my dream comes true, but i still feel unsatisfied. especially when i know more about the science, the society, and the world, i find things are not so simple as i used to think. i feel lost, i don't know what shall i do. those uneduated people can live so happily, they never think about the world, they don't know the philosophy, the don't know science, they live in ignorance, but they are happier then me. how ridiculous it is!
now i found my essay is completely out of topic. never mind, as i said, i just want to write some down, randomly. that's all today, maybe i will write another essay some day.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007


这个包叫msttcorefonts,顾名思义,都是ms的truytype英文字体,包括times new roman,courier new等等。

sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts



而终端下用的等宽字体,以前我一直没找到很满意的,这回有了Courier New,真是亲切呀,这可是经典的编程字体呀。我试了一下,Courier New不如Courier 10 Pitch好看,而Bitstream Vera Sans Mono也挺好看的,这两者挺不好决择的。

这是Bitstream Vera Sans Mono

这是Courier 10 Pitch

最后还是决定用Courier 10 Pitch啦,一是因为它太经典啦,二是因为它看起来一点也不发虚(虽然它也是AA字体),可能是因为字体比较粗的缘故吧。而Sans Mono放桌面上看还不错,但是在终端这种高尚的地方(在终端下coding更是一件神圣的事),不免显得太俗气,难登大雅之堂。


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Tuesday, May 1, 2007



1. 无法suspend的解决办法
当然,在这之前最好检查一下acpi是否正确配置。确保 /etc/default/acpi-support 中有下面几条

2. 无法resume的解决办法

  1. In /etc/acpi/, as second line, add the line sudo chvt 1. This forces a switch to the text console before standby.
  2. Likewise, in add to the very end of the file /etc/acpi/ the line sudo chvt 7.
  3. Finally, the perhaps most important change goes into /etc/default/acpi-support. Change the line POST_VIDEO=true to read POST_VIDEO=. This was the point when it started working on my system.

经我尝试,第3条才是关键,前两条都在我这没必要做。 我把 /etc/default/acpi-support 的 POST_VIDEO=true 的true去掉就可以正常resume了。

供给停止,CPU Halts,由CPU停止而引起的相关组件一起停止运作,相当于WINDOWS的Standby[待机]
S3:Suspend to RAM
挂起到内存,相当于WINDOWS的Sleep[睡眠],注S3当前不支持 Kernel 2.4.x。
S4:Suspend to Disk
挂起到硬盘,相当于WINDOWS的Hibernate[休眠],注S3当前不支持 Kernel 2.4.x。
S5:Soft Off
关闭系统,相当于WINDOWS的Shut Down[关机]
关于SlEEP状态 的更多祥情请参况:

方法1:cat /proc/acpi/sleep(kernel 2.4系列适用)
在我的laptop返回如下结果 :S0 S3 S4 S5
方法2:cat /sys/power/state(kernel 2.4系列适用)
在我的laptop返回如下结果:mem disk

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