Saturday, April 28, 2007


Source: An exercise class of Theoretical Computer Science

Suppose there are some guys, some of which are good and the others are bad. Good guys always tell the truth, whereas bad guys can tell truth or lie, depends on their wish. We know the good guys are more than the bad guys. Each time we can ask a guy that whether another guy is a good guy.
The question is how to determine the good guys in minimum queries.

Solution: (in Chinese for clarity)
1. 如果留下的对数为奇数,则好人对必比坏人对多。把落单的一个人去掉,再从这奇数对中每对取出一个人组成新的集合。这个集合里的好人比坏人多,于是形成了一个子问题。
2. 如果留下的对数为偶数,则如果好人对和坏人队一样多,那么落单的一定是好人。如果好人对比坏人对多,那么无法确定落单的是好人还是坏人。从这偶数对中每对取出一人,再加上落单的那个人,组成新的集合,则集合里好人比坏人多(想想为什么)。于是也形成了一个子问题。

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